Friday, June 06, 2008

Breakfast of champions?

I mentioned earlier that I'm being very conservative about the build up with Team Rogue to reduce the chance of injury. Ok along with that there's the stupid little things like making sure you eat enough, hydrate, get enough rest to not get sick with the increased workload. So I thought I'd attach pictures of part of my "breakfast this morning":

- 1 multi-vit and 1 ecanaica to try and not get sick
- 2 advil, to reduce the inflammation in this phase
- claritin D, it rained so preempting allergy onset

Am I proud of all this, well not really. But I also did eat some dark chocolate, you know antioxidants, ok to be honest I just like chocolate. And no this isn't all I have for breakfast, today was a palmier (cookie) & oj. On the weekends it's all about waffles or french toast with fruit ... and whipped cream. I do believe in a balanced diet after all, can't leave the dairy out.

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