Saturday, March 15, 2008

My Daisy 5k

It's been a long time coming but I really needed to get a race to force me back into running. Since the summer it's been difficult to get a focus but the performance today will for me to get back into shape. The course was great, as you can hear from the interviews in the earlier post. The first 1.75 miles are probably downhill as you head from the Rogue Equipment store on Est 5th to Comal, south there, east on 4th and then take Chamblers down to the river and then head back.

As did most people I went out too fast, the goal was to run a 6:15 pace consistently, that's almost 12 seconds per mile off my PR earlier last year but that's my fitness. You quickly learn that you have to race based on where you are today and not get fixated on what could be. The first two miles were closer to 6:02 and after 2.5 I just blew up, started almost jogging until we were back on Comal, in the end the time was 19:25 which was a 6:15 pace overall ... go figure.

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